Monday, March 30, 2009

To You my King Eternal…

Today Drew, Carsyn and myself had to head back home. We were so sad to go but we have to get back to work and school for Drew. If we could stay by his side for the next year, we would. I know Drew would for sure. I hated for him to have to leave him.

Upon leaving Ross asked Drew if he would just play him one more song before he left. Four songs later Ross promised this would be the last song, King Eternal. I knew immediately it was going to be such an emotional song. Anyone who has heard this song knows that the words can bring tears to your eyes. The song is such a proclamation of our Heavenly Fathers Eternal Reign.

There wasn’t a dry eye in the room when Drew finished the song (except for Carsyn of course, who filled her britches during the song in her LoLee’s lap).

Ross spoke up with tear filled eyes and said, “That’s it, that’s all it is about, our King Eternal.”

Ross has continued to amaze us with his incredible attitude. We have all had so many extreme emotions this week anywhere from, extreme fear, frustration, sadness and exhaustion. But Ross, the one lying in bed in excruciating pain remains constantly strong, positive and faithful.

I have learned so many lessons this week. I have been reminded of the important things in life. Family and the Lord. I have been reminded how important my walk with Christ is. Ross is simply reflecting who he is in Christ with his positive attitude. I can guarantee you that I would not have that good of an attitude if I was in his circumstance. Through Ross I have been encouraged to dig deeper and grow closer to our heavenly father.

In closing. Ross is doing well today. He is tired so we are continuing to ask for visitors to just call before you come or to just know that you might not get to see him if you do come up. I am passing the blog on to Tyrel to keep you updated on things. Thank you everyone for your prayers and encouraging words. Ross read through all of his comments today, it is such good medicine for him.

Please continue to pray for complete healing and for him to be able to leave the hospital soon.

Shan (Ross’s sister in law)


  1. So I'm not sure how this happened except it was completely a God thing. I was listening to Charlie Hall yesterday and of course heard that song. It also brings me to tears. But yesterday when I was on the bus listening to it I just really felt like I should stop and pray for Ross. So I did. Who knows, maybe it was the same time this was going on. Still praying, Dana

  2. hey ross, i was reading in 1Chronicles today and thought someone there should read this to you today- ask Tyrel or Kam or your mom, dad to- 1Chronicles ch. 29 vv10-15. may the Lord comfort you during this trial with HIS HOLY WORD, brother.
    praying for you........
